“To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven”, Ecclesiastes 3:1

I have started. There is a purpose. Everything has a purpose; good, bad, benign and otherwise sideways. Pete Seeger wrote a song immortalizing Ecclesiates words and the Byrds made the song “Turn, Turn Turn’ famous in the 1960’s. Funny how things turn out~

I think the time has come to share what I have discerned and learned over the years about food, families, friends and fun~ I’m sticking to the F words here. These are the things I have spent the most time on. Food: specifically whole food, plant based eating has become a passion of mine over the last 8+ years. I’ve studied the science behind the WFPB movement; am certified to teach WFPB cooking classes and read, read, read all things/articles/journals on the topic. Family: as the youngest of 6 children with 4 children in my own life and countless hours of family time under my belt, I feel qualified to reveal some life-lessons I’ve picked up on the way. Friends: as I’ve grown to become aware just how valuable a friendship outside of my family is: the honest, gritty, mirror people will hold up in front of your face to help you over the finish line or escort you to the back of the line. ….and finally FUN~ perhaps most important. The fun I have learned to enjoy while relishing the other F’s in my life. The knowledge (or at least feeling ….OH, there’s another F word!) of sitting back and reflecting on how blessed the other F’s have made me! The fun has been both physical and mental; obviously the physical fun has been mostly relegated to my reckless (but fun) youth, but the fun of knowing I don’t have to always be physical to have the same rush!

Let’s talk about food. Neal Barnard, MD, Caldwell Esselstyne Jr, MD, Michael Greger, MD, Michael Klaper, MD, T. Colin Campbell, MD (he may be my #1!) John McDougall, MD, Joel Fuhrman, MD, Dean Ornish, MD (one of the 1st!) ….sooo many scholars, diligent and caring in their time and research. SO many published articles in the elite (read: cogent) scientific literati. We have known for a long time how relevant a diet high in fiber and low in processed food is. The health benefits are astronomical. But I think you are on this site, because you may already have an inkling that this is the truth. As time goes on, I’m hoping to cover the value of specific WFPB eating to include facts, recipes and ….you got it….more FUN!